What is Kinetic Chain Release? (KCR)

KCR Protocol

A scientifically proven, twenty three step protocol of mobilisations and stretches that quickly and effectively shortens injury & recovery time, releases a multitude of aches and pains and re-balances bodies – fast.

Who Can Benefit From Kinetic Chain Release – KCR?

Everyone who is living in a physical body, from the very young to the aged.

The KCR protocol quickly brings bodies back into balance, alleviating problems such as weak ankles, knee problems, hip and joint pain, pelvic discomforts, back, shoulder and neck pain, TMJ, and headaches.

The rapid, restorative effects of bringing the body back into balance quickly restores energy levels.



With a worldwide network of accredited members.

KCR’s simple upgrade to your own professional techniques boosts what you do for clients by delivering longer lasting restorative and healing results.

The ‘Gold Standard’ scientifically reviewed and approved status of KCR provides peace of mind and authentic authority for practitioners and clients alike.

The KCR Protocol is widely used by all kinds of hands-on therapists as a powerful assessment and treatment tool.

KCR’s use as an assessment tool increases your ability to train and treat clients with astonishing results which helps you tailor your programme for greater accuracy and improved outcomes.

IPMH Approved – Member & Training Provider for International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine

Kinetic Chain Release was slowly formed in the creative fire of the mind and practice of Hugh Gilbert a highly learned and distinguished physiotherapist.

“I have taught everyone from teachers, nurses, physicians and engineers to beauty therapists, office workers and professional athletes how to safely improve their own well-being and help those they love with KCR.” Hugh Gilbert

Hugh Gilbert travelled the world as a highly respected practitioner and ardent student of the science of bodywork healing techniques.

His open-minded approach and almost fanatical search for the truth meant that he put in hundreds of thousands of hours of hands-on practice as a highly respected physiotherapist. From the multiplicity of client’s conditions, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, injuries, work habits and pro sports activities he gradually developed the twenty three step Kinetic Chain Release protocol.

The astonishingly rapid and long-lasting results of KCR – when carefully applied in the correct order – soon became the gold standard for bodywork healing techniques.

Kinetic Chain Release Protocol (KCR) received a 99% ranking from FOTO an industry leading outcomes management system which evaluated over 2500 KCR case studies against a huge data base of over 36 million.

That means that KCR is now ranked as a number one treatment in the USA and Canada.

Out of the 2500 clinician case studies that KCR was ranked against, the majority were from Physiotherapists.

A comparison of treated conditions showed that for neck complaints an average of 10.8 visits were needed compared to the gold standard KCR which only required 1.6. A massive reduction in recovery time and costs for patients.


Such an outstanding success rate is the reason KCR is rapidly becoming the gold standard for treatment.

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